NAUTIKA MAGAZIN – Watch-Controlled Luxury Boat!

The well-known German car manufacturer of high performance, BRABUS GmbH, has initiated cooperation with the company Axopar Boats Oy, the fastest growing manufacturer of boats in Europe, to produce a new assortment under its license luxury "hyper" boats with exceptional design and characteristics performance typical for BRABUS. 


Original article text in Bosnian Croatian:

Poznati nemački proizvođač automobila visokih performansi, BRABUS GmbH, inicirao je saradnju sa kompanijom Axopar Boats Oy, najbrže rastućim proizvođačem brodova u Evropi, kako bi pod svojom licencom proizvela novi asortiman luksuznih “hiper” brodova sa izuzetnim dizajnom i karakteristikama performansi tipično za BRABUS. Oni su na nedavno završenom sajmu u Diseldorfu prikazali brzi čamac - BRABUS Shadow 800 limited edition, a ekipa Nautike prisustvovala je svetskoj premijeri ovog hiper-brzog, hiper-uzbudljivog tender plovila. Novi Aksopar, ekstravagantni BRABUS, ograničena je serija od 20.

Read the article: Nautica Magazin.pdf

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